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Nitrous Oxide

Available for patients receiving a vasectomy, prostate biopsy, urethral dilation, cystoscopyUroLift®, Rezum® or other in-office procedures, nitrous oxide or "laughing gas" is a self-administered anesthetic.


  • Reduces pain and anxiety
  • Self-administered by you, the patient
  • Individualized dose to maximize effectiveness while staying safe
  • Opioid-free
  • No effect to your lungs or heart
  • Rapid onset and offset, which means it's safe to drive home

How it works

Nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless, breathable gas used as a minimal sedative in addition to your local anesthetic. When you inhale, a disposable facemask and breathing tube administers the nitrous and oxygen mixture and causes a sense of relaxation and euphoria. When you breathe out, the FDA-cleared pump captures and eliminates the exhaled nitrous. At The Iowa Clinic, nitrous oxide is self-administered, meaning you hold the facemask in place and can remove it at any time. 

What to Expect

The effects of nitrous oxide are dependent upon the concentration of gas and the length of time it is administered. Patients may first feel tingling in arms and legs, then a rush of comforting warmth, followed by an overall feeling of calm and happiness. Feelings of sleepiness are also possible. 


Insurance does not cover nitrous oxide. Patients who elect to use nitrous oxide will be responsible for paying the $110 fee at the time of the appointment. An HSA account may be used to cover the fee.


Patients who meet the following conditions are not eligible for nitrous oxide use:

  • Patients who have had inner ear or eye surgery within the past two weeks
  • Patients who have emphysematous blebs or severe B-12 deficiency
  • Patients who have undergone Bleomycin chemotherapy in the past year
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