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Men's Sexual Health

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Erectile Dysfunction

Almost a half of all American men over the age of 40 have a problem getting or keeping an erection. While all men have difficulties with erections from time to time, men who have frequent and more severe problems may suffer from erectile dysfunction, or ED.

Causes of ED

While ED can become more common with age, there are many medical, physical and emotional factors that can contribute to the issue. Heart disease, high blood pressure,diabetes, surgeries and smoking can all reduce blood flow or damage the nerves to the penis, resulting in ED. Getting a proper diagnosis and seeking medical treatment can improve a man’s overall health and well-being.

Treatment of ED

There are many treatment options available today and some may be as simple as making lifestyle adjustments:

  • Changing habits (i.e. drugs and alcohol) and seeking treatment for other health related issues like heart disease and diabetes
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Oral Medication
  • Vacuum erection devices
  • Self-Injection Therapy
  • Surgical treatments, such as a penile implant
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