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Low testosterone, or Low T, affects roughly 39% of men over the age of 45. Beginning at the age of 30 all men will experience a gradual decline in testosterone. Men who are obese or have diabetes, hypertension or COPD have a greater chance of being affected and diagnosed with Low T. Since Low T can share many of the same symptoms as other health conditions, it’s important to be screened so your physician can make a proper diagnosis.


Take this Low T quiz to find out if you may have Low T and if you should talk to your doctor.

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  • Reduced sexual desire/activity
  • Poor erectile function (weaker and fewer)
  • Loss of body hair
  • Fatigue – decreased energy
  • Increased body fat


There are many types of hormone replacement treatment options, including: gels, injections, patches and oral medication. After your physician has reviewed your medical history, given you a physical examination and checked any necessary blood and hormone levels he/she will discuss your treatment options to come up with a plan that works best for you.

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