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Transplant & Hepatobiliary Surgery

Transplant & Hepatobiliary Surgery

Call to schedule: 515.283.1541

Call to schedule: 515.283.1541

Services & Treatments

Adult & Pediatric Kidney Transplant

  • Kidney Transplant Surgery, including robotic kidney transplant. 
  • Laparoscopic Kidney Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Kidney Donor Surgery
  • Parathyroid Surgery
  • High Risk Kidney Transplants (pediatric en-bloc, ABO Incompatible)
  • Cadaver and Living Donor (Laparoscopic for Living Donor)
  • Dialysis Access

Pancreas Surgery

  • Pancreas Sparing Duodenectomy
  • Whipple Procedure with Major Vascular Resection and Reconstruction
  • Robotic Whipple Procedure
  • Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery
  • Total and Partial Pancreatectomy

General Surgery

  • Major Abdominal Surgery
  • Hernia Surgery
  • Inguinal Hernia Repair
  • Laparoscopic and Open Splenectomy

Hepatobiliary Surgery

  • Creation of Surgical Shunts to Treat Portal Hypertension (mesorex, mesocaval, DSRS)
  • Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery
  • Gallbladder Removal, Laparoscopic
  • Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Surgery
  • Extensive Liver Cancer Resection Surgery - Using the ALPPS Procedure
  • Major Liver Surgery - Using Hypothermia
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