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Sleep Center

Sleep Center (West Lakes)

Call to schedule: 515.875.9555

Call to schedule: 515.875.9555

Home Sleep Studies

Home Sleep Studies are available Monday - Friday at the Sleep Center (West Lakes) and on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at the Ankeny Campus. We have streamlined the home sleep study process to make it as simple and easy as possible for you from beginning to end.

What is a Home Sleep Study?

A home sleep study is a good option for patients for many reasons: it’s less expensive and typically covered by most insurance companies, and nearly 85% of the time patients qualify for auto-pap.

While this is a convenient at-home solution for some, not every patient is eligible for a home sleep study. Patients with the following conditions are NOT candidates for a home sleep study:

  • Congestive heart failure
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Obesity >60 BMI
  • Moderate to severe pulmonary disease
  • Pediatrics <18
  • Central sleep apnea
  • Periodic limb movement disorder
  • Insomnia
  • Parasomnias
  • Circadian rhythm disorders
  • Narcolepsy
  • General screening of asymptomatic population

How it Works

  • You will be scheduled for an evaluation to verify you are an appropriate candidate for the home sleep study.
  • Once it is verified that you qualify, you will be given a home sleep testing device to take home with you. The device should be returned to the appropriate campus location the following day.
  • If it is determined that you qualify for auto-pap, you will be set up with your equipment.

*If you do not qualify, a polysomnogram may be needed to appropriately diagnose and treat your sleep disorder. Polysomnograms are only offered at our West Des Moines Campus at this time.

Patients of the West Lakes Sleep Center have a CPAP compliance rate of 88%, almost 20% higher than the national average. Compliance is defined as: CPAP being used 4 or more hours per night 70% of the time.

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