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Sleep Center

Sleep Center (West Lakes)

Call to schedule: 515.875.9555

Call to schedule: 515.875.9555


  • How should you prepare for a sleep study?

    Please plan to arrive at the Sleep Center at your scheduled appointment time. It is not necessary to arrive early. An appointment reminder by text or email will be sent before your study.

    Please bathe and wash/dry your hair before you arrive. Do not use hair spray, hair lotion, gel, or cream. Remove any hair weaves or toupees.

    Do not apply night creams or lotions to your face. Deodorant is ok.

    Do not take a nap on the day of the test and try to keep to your normal daily routine.

    The Sleep Center does not have food available in the evening. Please eat dinner before arriving. Bottled water is available.

    If you have diabetes, please bring a snack if you will need one.

    Please do not have caffeine after 1pm. on the day of your sleep study.

  • What should you bring to the sleep study?

    Our Sleep Center is designed to simulate a home bedroom. You will have your private bathroom and shower.

    You may bring your pillows if you wish. Please bring your glasses and hearing aids if applicable.

    Bring nightclothes made of cotton and avoid slippery fabrics such as silk, satin, or rayon. Bring a change of clothes for the next day and slippers if desired.

    Bring any medications which you would usually take (including Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or aspirin). Medications are not available in the Sleep Center.

    To ensure you receive a quality sleep study, we do not allow guests to stay on the night of the sleep study. Exceptions to this rule include parents of minor children or those who need a caregiver in attendance for specific medical conditions. We can provide you with a list of local hotel names and phone numbers for those individuals who have a driver.

    Smoking and e-cigarettes are prohibited on the campus.

  • What happens when you arrive?

    Upon arrival at the Sleep Center, your Sleep Technologist will escort you to your room and prepare you for your sleep study. This process usually takes 1 hour.

    During this time, the Sleep Technologist will apply electrodes and body sensors to monitor your heart rate, oxygen level, sleep cycles, and any apneas that may occur while you sleep. The equipment is entirely painless and will not disrupt your sleep.

  • What happens in the morning?

    Wake up time is around 5:30am. Check out time is no later than 6:30am. If you need to wait for a ride, a waiting area is available in the lobby or the café.

  • How soon are the results available?

    Your results will be sent to your provider within 7-10 business days, and a technologist from our office will contact you to discuss the results and schedule an appropriate follow-up visit (if necessary).

  • How will finances be handled?

    Charges at The Sleep Center are based on a facility fee for the study performed. Following your study, the facility fee for your study will be submitted to your insurance. A separate fee will be submitted by the physician interpreting the study results.

    For more information regarding fee or payment policies, please contact our billing office at 515.875.9925.

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