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Endoscopy Center

Endoscopy Center

Proper preparation leads to a smoother procedure. Find answers to the most common questions about colonoscopy and bowel prep.

Colonoscopy Prep FAQ

Just the thought of preparing for a colonoscopy makes people uncomfortable. The bowel prep that goes into it is a big concern. But proper colonoscopy preparation leads to a better procedure. If you’re having trouble following your colonoscopy prep instructions, these answers may help.

Bowel Prep

Why do I have to drink all the bowel prep liquid?

To ensure you have a complete and thorough colonoscopy, your bowel must be entirely cleared out. The preparation is difficult for some patients, but very important for your exam and to identify any polyps or areas of concern.

I was given a different preparation than my neighbor? Why?

Your specific medical history determines what type of preparation your physician will prescribe. Individuals with health conditions such as kidney disease or seizure disorder require a different type of preparation than an individual with no health concerns. Other factors that influence type of preparation can include your time of exam, individual preference or even out of pocket expense.

Does the preparation have any side effects?

The preparation is a medication that causes diarrhea to empty and clean the colon prior to your exam. Some individuals experience symptoms similar to diarrhea including nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramping.

Medication Instructions

Can I take my other medications?

Inform us of the medications you take when you schedule your exam. Most medications can be continued, but we may ask you to hold certain medications such as blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medicines. We will discuss this with you during scheduling and send you written instructions on what medicines you can take or should hold. If you have any questions about the information, please let us know!

What if I forget to take the medicine?

Call the office right away. The physician or staff will assist you in how to proceed.

Colonoscopy Prep Diet

My colonoscopy prep instructions say I can have clear liquids. Does that mean just water?

Not at all! You can drink various clear liquids and we encourage you to drink plenty to avoid nausea and dehydration during your preparation. Clear liquids include some soda (such as Sprite or Ginger Ale), broth, juices (without pulp), coffee or tea without creamer, jello, sports drinks, etc. Avoid any items that are red or purple, and make sure you can see through them to ensure they are “clear”.

Why can’t the liquids I drink be red or purple?

These colors can stain the walls of your colon similar to how they can stain your tongue. During your colonoscopy, these stains can look like blood or other abnormalities. To avoid this, the physicians ask that you avoid drinking anything red or purple during your preparation.

Can I drink alcohol the day before?

Even though alcohol is a clear liquid, no alcohol is allowed the day before your colonoscopy. This is because of the risk of dehydration with your bowel preparation. Alcohol and marijuana are not allowed on the day of your exam due to IV sedation.

Why do I have to stop drinking two hours before I check-in?

This is to allow your stomach to empty prior to receiving sedation for your procedure. If you still have liquid in your stomach during sedation, that liquid could travel to your lungs and cause complications.

Can I still take my daily aspirin?

Yes! The risk of holding aspirin is greater than the risk of bleeding related to endoscopy. It's okay to continue taking this medication unless you are told otherwise.

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