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Electrophysiology Procedures

To diagnose and treat an abnormal heart rhythm, known as arrhythmia, an electrophysiology (EP) study or procedure may be recommended for you. Rely on our board-certified cardiologists and knowledgeable staff to get your heart rhythm back on track.

Radiofrequency (RF) Ablation

Energy from radiofrequency — similar to heat from a microwave — can be targeted to a small area of your heart tissue that’s causing rapid or irregular heartbeats. Radiofrequency (RF) ablation, sometimes called catheter ablation, destroys the malfunctioning tissue to restore your heart’s normal rhythm. 

This procedure, which can take a couple of hours, uses a catheter inserted into your vein (usually in your groin) to reach your heart. By using electrodes, your provider will detect the exact location(s) of misfiring cells and then apply the radiofrequency energy to destroy those cells. 


By putting electrodes on the outside of your chest, the electric cardioversion procedure can treat an irregular heartbeat, called fibrillation, or one that’s too fast, known as tachycardia. Your provider can instantly see if your normal heartbeat is restored. Sometimes, you may need more than one shock to get your heart back on a regular rhythm. Often, you can go home the same day this procedure is done.

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Placement

A small, battery-powered device called an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) can be inserted under your skin near your chest to continuously monitor irregularities in your heartbeats. The ICD sends electric shocks through thin wires connected to your heart if it detects an abnormal heart rhythm, and it can be adjusted by your provider based on the data the ICD provides. Usually, you can go home the same day of the procedure.

Pacemaker Implantation

A pacemaker helps control your heartbeat, but only when it needs to. The small electronic device is inserted into your chest to help keep your heart from beating irregularly or too slowly. If the device notices irregularities, it will send an electric pulse to your heart. This is different from a ICD because it helps guide your heart with pulses as needed, and an ICD can send a shock if it notices a dangerous rhythm. 

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